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power + speed + positivity = useful

Noun: Delivering whatever must be said as boldly, quickly, positively and therefore effectively as possible, as to avoid wasting time and energy being invisible.

In an age of utter debasement, no content should be off-limits as long as the approach is brief and considerate, and therefore devoid of self-absorbed negativity. This is best accomplished in the following ways: avoiding hesitation, stammering, inefficiency and sentence-bloating by mentally-highlighting key points before speaking, aiming to keep statements as free as possible from emotion, “certainty” and personal references, using pauses instead of “uhs”, and applying sufficient energy to every statement. Boldness combined with moderate thoughtfulness deliver one from the cumbersome habit of wasting time and effort searching for the “perfect” way to say something, by instead, putting a positive spin on whatever one is able to briskly blurt-out, regardless of what it is.

I’m not sure what specific types of society-bound folks will have the most need for this raw verbal strategy; however I recently became aware that unless you are the message-portion of someone’s phone, they often have difficulty locking-in to what you say, unless they are given a meaty nugget on which they are compelled to grab. In the communication era, people must apply extra focus to be understood and acknowledged, simply because “focus” is steadily getting harder to come by.

Communiblurting provides a framework to make every statement impactful by filtering it through a lense of bold power, quick delivery and positive consideration. Others typically don’t like to hear what’s true or contrary, however if its approached in an artfully careful way that respects their time and space, the speaker can be true to their own needs while respecting the needs of their audience.


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