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“You create your own reality.”- LSD

While quite possibly the most useful of habits, a steady, positive outlook can be difficult to achieve. If someone understands that they are a transient creature of habit, the urgency of cultivating more useful habits becomes evermore apparent. So how do we explain the palpable supremacy of carelessly negative thought patterns?

This particular writer has long considered himself a “realist,” yet has taken heed of rampant feedback indicating that realism comes off as negativity. This may mean that the age-old question of whether the glass is half-empty or half-full is misleading, since it assumes that the glass is filled to the middle.  Therein lays the challenge; if the darkness of realism becomes unavoidable, how can one still avail a positive spin? How does one evade the inherent confines of a world where life must survive by feeding on other life?

The solution is apparently possible, as well as simple to grasp, yet requires strenuous effort. It consists of doing things like equating the percentage of oxygen-based, life-supporting planets in the known universe to the amount of liquid the “glass” actually contains. To most organisms, existence is better than nonexistence, so even if the preceding examination equates the amount of moisture in “the glass” to only a single drop, it’s still possible to think outside of the box and say “we can live on that drop,” and then proceed accordingly.


2 thoughts on “Optimism

  1. How do we explain the palpable supremacy of carelessly negative thought patterns?
    Negativity comes inch by inch, washing upon our shores of innocence, wave by wave… Until drowning, adrift at sea, seems only the natural course of things. The light is forgotten, a myth buried in the ancient heroic past. You know how dreamlike the light seems under cascading waves of water? It’s a warbling field… So pure, so unreal, yet from our slumbering state it is not constant. It bends and shifts with the flows of our world.

    If we manage to pull a Jesus and calm the storm, still the waves in our life, then the light may pierce more readily and fluently through our water-bed. Then we might perceive with greater clarity, feel unparalleled warmth, and rise to break the threshold of that sea of slumber.

    Then we see.
    Then we are free.

    We, at that point, do not evade the life-feeding nature of the world. This is because we know that what is feed upon is translated into another language of the universe. Granted some tongues are more symphonically appealing than others, but all contribute to an interconnected chorus. Our choice simply lies in our tongue. That is where our life is held and where our reality is shaped.

    When it comes to the glass and its measurement, even if it were only one drop, that drop is an ocean all itself. What else do we need, but to breathe and thrive with out spirit and mind? We’ve all the space necessary, in this vast ocean. It seems pretty damn full to me. 🙂

    P.S. I want to see some newer work. Release your pen upon the world. Awaken my soul.


    Posted by entofeden | November 18, 2012, 4:06 am

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